Peranan Pasar Modal Dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi - Lihat Penjelasannya
Peranan Pasar Modal Dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Post-crisis economic growth and the constant need for capital in the development of Islamic economy are the main factors for the appearance of capital market. Capital market involving investment in economic development by the means of capital, is a relatively new field in Indonesia. The paper discusses the role of the capital market in economic development of Islamic society, the theoretical framework and legal framework of the capital market. - He has written more than 30 books and more than 100 articles in his career.,Decorative Vintage Label with the wordings: Fofoh Al Makari Ie Oba Rekso Sebrat ( God is the source of Prosperity and Oba Rekso is the source of success. )
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The competition between Syariah capital markets is increasingly fierce and vigorous. The competition was very unbalanced when comparing the capital market systems and the ...